Friday, December 29, 2006

Prediction #6

cell phones will be implanted in people's heads which are directly control by the brain, allowing for thought to thought communication without the need for speech. This will allow anybody with the equipment to speak with anybody else anywhere at any time, thus replicating a form of telepathy.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Prediction #5

When flying cars become commonplace, Albany NY will become a hub of the northeast due to it's medium distance proximity to NYC, Boston, and Montreal, which are all very accessible via high speed flying vehicle.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Prediction #4

All people who watch television will be forced to sing Karaoke for broadcast as part of a new televison show named "Everybody's a Celebrity". Andy Warhol will be proven wrong when they discover that everybody doesn't just get 15 minutes of fame in total, but 22 minutes per day, though of course people will not be interested in celebrities anymore.

Prediction #3

Most of our current knowledge in digital form will be lost because future civilizations will not have access to the data retrieval technologies, and consequently they will be mystified about how we accomplished what we did.

Prediction #2

Eventually Women will wear absolutely no clothes and men will wear complete ninja suits covering even their eyes. Later, the trend will reverse itself and women will wear and live in completely concealing dresses with vehicles and kitchens in them while men will go naked again.

Prediction #1

In the future... there will be three types of sports leagues. One for robots, one for "natural" people, and one for "enhanced" people.

Swami Cullen Predicts!

Welcome to my new Blog page... here you will find various predictions about the future of humanity, the world, and existence, among other things...